Identification of mouse chromosomes required for murine leukemia virus replication

Adi F. Gazdar, Herbert Oie, Peter Lalley, William W. Moss, John D. Minna, Uta Francke

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52 Scopus citations


The replication patterns of five ecotropic and two amphotropic strains of murine leukemia virus (MuLV) were studied by infecting 41 Chinese hamster x mounse hybrid primary clones segregating mouse (Mus musculus) chromosomes. Ecotropic and amphotropic strains replicated in mouse and some hybrid cells, but not in hamster cells, indicating that replication of exogenous virus requires dominantly expressed mouse cellular genes. The patterns of replication of the five ecotropic strains in hybrid clones were similar; the patterns of replication of the two amphotropic strains were also similar. When compared to each other, however, the replication patterns of ecotropic and amphotropic viruses were dissimilar, indicating that these two classes of MuLV require different mouse chromosomes for replication. Chromosome and isozyme analyses assigned a gene, Rec-1 (replication of ecotropic virus), to mouse chromosome 5 that is necessary and may be sufficient for ecotropic virus replication. Because of preferential retention of mouse chromosomes 15 and 17 in the hybrid clones, however, the possibility that these chromosomes carry genes that are necessary but not sufficient for ecotropic virus replication cannot be excluded. Similarly, the data indicate that mouse chromosome 8 (or possibly 19) carried a gene we have designated Ram-1 (replication of amphotropic virus) which is necessary and may be sufficient for amphotropic virus replication. Because chromosomes 8 and 19 tended to segregate together and two of the three clones excluding 19 have chromosome reaggrangements, we cannot exclude 19 as being independent of amphotropic virus replication. In addition, because of preferential retention, chromosomes 7, 12, 15, 16 and 17 cannot be excluded as being necessary but not sufficient. Hybrid cell genetic studies confirm the assignment of the Fv-1 locus to chromosome 4 previously made by sexual genetics. In addition, our results demonstrate that hybrid cells which have segregated mouse chromosome 4 but have retained 5 become permissive for replication of both N and B tropic strains of MuLV.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)949-956
Number of pages8
Issue number4
StatePublished - Aug 1977

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology


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