Immunogenetic analysis of H-2 mutations - VI. Crossreactivity in cell-mediated lympholysis between TNP-modified cells from H-2 mutant strains

James Forman, Jan Klein

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26 Scopus citations


Spleen cells carrying the H-2Kb allele and sensitized against TNP-modified stimulator cells in vitro displayed a cytotoxic effect against TNP-modified target cells carrying a mutation in the H-2Kb allele (haplotypes H-2ba, H-2bd, and H-2bf). Similar crossreactivity in TNP-CML was observed in the reciprocal direction. Spleen cells carrying the H-2Kk allele and sensitized against TNP-modified stimulators displayed a cytotoxic effect against TNP-modified target cells carrying a mutation in the H-2Kk allele (haplotype H-2ka) and vice versa. The effector cells in these assays were sensitive to anti-T cell serum in the presence of complement, and supernatants from immune cultures did not induce nonimmune cells to display a cytotoxic effect. Titration of effector cells from mutant and wild-type strains of the H-2b haplotype indicated no detectable quantitative differences in their activities. These data demonstrate that crossreactivity in TNP-CML occurs in closely related allogeneic strains that have recently undergone mutation in the H-2 complex.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)183-193
Number of pages11
Issue number1
StatePublished - Dec 1977

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Immunology
  • Genetics


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