Mass spectrometry imaging and identification of peptides associated with cephalic ganglia regeneration in Schmidtea mediterranea

Ta Hsuan Ong, Elena V. Romanova, Rachel H. Roberts-Galbraith, Ning Yang, Tyler A. Zimmerman, James J. Collins, Ji Eun Lee, Neil L. Kelleher, Phillip A. Newmark, Jonathan V. Sweedler

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

23 Scopus citations


Tissue regeneration is a complex process that involves a mosaic of molecules that vary spatially and temporally. Insights into the chemical signaling underlying this process can be achieved with a multiplex and untargeted chemical imaging method such as mass spectrometry imaging (MSI), which can enable de novo studies of nervous system regeneration. A combination of MSI and multivariate statistics was used to differentiate peptide dynamics in the freshwater planarian flatworm Schmidtea mediterranea at different time points during cephalic ganglia regeneration. A protocol was developed to make S. mediterranea tissues amenable for MSI. MS ion images of planarian tissue sections allow changes in peptides and unknown compounds to be followed as a function of cephalic ganglia regeneration. In conjunction with fluorescence imaging, our results suggest that even though the cephalic ganglia structure is visible after 6 days of regeneration, the original chemical composition of these regenerated structures is regained only after 12 days. Differences were observed in many peptides, such as those derived from secreted peptide 4 and EYE53-1. Peptidomic analysis further identified multiple peptides from various known prohormones, histone proteins, and DNA- and RNAbinding proteins as being associated with the regeneration process. Mass spectrometry data also facilitated the identification of a new prohormone, which we have named secreted peptide prohormone 20 (SPP-20), and is up-regulated during regeneration in planarians.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)8109-8120
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Biological Chemistry
Issue number15
StatePublished - Apr 8 2016

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Biochemistry
  • Molecular Biology
  • Cell Biology


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