Surgery for Discrete Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis: Actuarial Survival, Hemodynamic Results, and Acquired Aortic Regurgitation

J. Brown, L. Stevens, L. Lynch, R. Caldwell, D. Girod, R. Hurwitz, L. Mahony, H. King

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

54 Scopus citations


Discrete membranous subaortic stenosis (DMSS) accounts for 8 to 30% of congenital left ventricular outflow obstruction. The immediate effectiveness of surgical resection of this discrete obstructing membrane has been well documented, but little has appeared regarding late clinical and hemodynamic follow-up. Fifty-three patients with DMSS underwent operation at our institution from 1957 to 1983. Most (78%) were symptomatic, 79% had left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) by electrocardiogram, and 92% had roentgenographic evidence of cardiomegaly preoperatively. Catheterization revealed a mean preoperative left ventricular-aortic gradient of 89 mm Hg. Twenty-eight patients had associated aortic insufficiency (AI) on the initial aortogram. Seven patients acquired AI in the interim between the first and second preoperative catheterization. Our patients have been followed for up to 12 years postoperatively. There have been 2 early and 3 late deaths. (Actuarial analysis revealed 5- and 10-year survival of 95% and 83%, respectively.) Seventy-one percent of the previously symptomatic patients noted relief of their preoperative complaints, and 45% of those with LVH had a regression in voltage. Cardiomegaly as determined by chest roentgenogram decreased in 45%. The left ventricular-aortic gradient fell to an average of 35 mm Hg a year postoperatively. Surgical treatment of congenital subvalvular aortic stenosis is effective in reducing the preoperative symptoms and the left ventricular-aortic gradient. It appears that DMSS causes AI.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)151-155
Number of pages5
JournalAnnals of Thoracic Surgery
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1985

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Surgery
  • Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine
  • Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine


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