Rapid changes in hepatic glucose output after a pulse of growth hormone in dogs.

P. Vaitkus, A. Sirek, K. H. Norwich, O. V. Sirek, Roger H Unger, V. Harris

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13 Scopus citations


In response to a single intravenous injection of bovine growth hormone (GH, 100 micrograms/kg) the non-steady-state turnover of glucose, as well as portal levels of insulin (IRI), glucagon (IRG), somatostatin (SRIF), and glucose were determined in normal conscious dogs. Using the two-compartment model validated to calculate rapid turnover changes and tracer infusion methods, the rate of hepatic output of glucose [Ra(t)] was found to be increased, reaching a maximum of 224 mg/min, 7.4 times the basal rate, 4 min after injection of GH. Ra(t) returned to its basal level 35 min later in a damped oscillatory manner. Hormone determinations were carried out in portal venous blood drawn every 2 min for 2 h from an indwelling catheter. IRG peaked 2 min after GH injection and levels of IRI, SRIF, and glucose peaked between 4 and 8 min. Hormone concentrations returned to normal, i.e., were oscillating around base-line levels, about 30 min after GH. These experiments demonstrate for the first time in vivo that a pulse of GH causes transient changes of glucose turnover and measurable alterations of the hormonal homeostasis in the splanchnic area.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)E14-20
JournalThe American journal of physiology
Issue number1 Pt 1
StatePublished - Jan 1 1984

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Physiology (medical)


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