The global paediatric surgery network: A model of subspecialty collaboration within global surgery

Marilyn W. Butler, Doruk Ozgediz, Dan Poenaru, Emmanuel Ameh, Safwat Andrawes, Georges Azzie, Eric Borgstein, Daniel A. DeUgarte, Essam Elhalaby, Michael E. Ganey, J. Ted Gerstle, Erik N. Hansen, Afua Hesse, Kokila Lakhoo, Sanjay Krishnaswami, Monica Langer, Marc Levitt, Don Meier, Ashish Minocha, Benedict C. NwomehLukman O. Abdur-Rahman, David Rothstein, John Sekabira

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

41 Scopus citations


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